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Fitness | Food | Wellbeing

Hands up if you've ever felt uncomfortable?
Some of you may know I used to be a dancer. Or I am still a dancer, depends what mood I’m in that day. Dancing had always been 'my thing'...

Good Morning
How you choose to start or set up your day can have a big impact on you mindset, mood and choices for the rest of the day. Over the past...

Quietening the Fear, Embracing the Quiet.
I haven’t written a blog post in a while, but seeing as I have a lot of time on my hands right now it seemed a good chance to go for it....

Mental Health Awareness Week 2019
It's Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK with the theme this year being Body Image. Body Image. A topic I imagine most of us have...

2017 - A Year of Change and Challenge
I think this year has been an interesting one for many people. On the wider scale of things, in terms of the change that is gradually...

How to Stay Motivated This Winter
So the clocks have now gone back, and we can no longer deny that fact that autumn is in full swing and.... As the days are getting...

The Importance of Getting Those zzzz's
Getting adequate sleep is fundamental for maintaining good mental and physical health. Period. We have all probably experienced how...

Mobility Drills for Runners
You warm up, you run, you cool down. A few stretches here and there (if you remember). But are you including mobility work into your...

Summer Smoothie Recipes
Over the past few years there has been an increase in popularity of smoothies makers, juicers and Nutribullets; where you can make your...

Dealing with life, motivation and my 'fitness slump'
We all know we should exercise and hear about the benefits it has on your mental and physical health. Not only for now but also in the...
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